Thursday, January 2, 2014

Local Style Spotlight: Lavenda from Lavendas Closet

This is such an exciting month for everyone... Well surely ALMOST everyone, haha. I guess I'm getting ahead of myself. But January DOES represent new beginnings for so many people! It's an inspiring month for creatives like myself because client work often slows leaving me to my own devices. Winter is like a giant empty canvas for me!

My new Blog and Youtube Channel (eeeek!) are all I can think about these days. It's exciting to see the response from NW designers and my immediate Portland community. I've been able to collaborate with so many people in the creation of my new branding, the site and the launch party that will celebrate the whole she-bang! Soft Launch is schedule for January 15th so please follow me on facebook and tumblr for updates!

I'm itching to get everything launched so that you can share in the excitement with me!
About this OUTFIT though, haha.

I wore this outfit to a wedding last week. It was an intimate event so I felt like a cotton blend dress would fit the occasion. I dressed it up with my heavy gold chain necklace and some simple wrist accessories. You know how much I LOVE these quilted booties by now... My Zara coat hits just above the dress so that the floral design peeks out perfectly below.

TASHA Necklace, Forever21 Dress and Booties, Timex Watch 


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